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Starting in March 2012: NYCEDA will be linking with volunteers using our Idealist.org  organization page to assist with “Operation VEEBO” Veteran Employment Effects Based Operation.  Many of our services are donated by NYCEDA Staff. We are looking for volunteers, interns and professionals in the community to volunteer their expertise, services and time to: Operation VEEBO. The “veteran profile” to “job posting match” is free to users of the VEEBO website.

Our vision – to assist students and job seekers with disabilities in school and work. To start and successfully maintain a mission (VEEBO) to help Veterans attend and complete school, participate in job training and obtain gainful employment.

Our mission – to use community resources, vocational services, rehabilitation medicine practices, assistive technology and social media to help job seekers.

Our values – treat members with respect, dignity and hope for the future by providing practical solutions and services.

Who we are – vocational counselors, employers, higher education coordinators, business professionals, computer specialists, interns, students and volunteers.

How we are funded – so far, we are not funded by any private, community or government entity. Many of our services are donated by NYCEDA staff, professionals in the community and by volunteers. NYCEDA is in the process of seeking government grants, private gifts, corporate sponsorship, state vendor ship and federal veteran contracts to assist and complete our mission: Employment of job seekers with disabilities and returning Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.   Use of the VEEBO website job match service, is FREE to Veterans and Employers.

To Volunteer (in person or online) email: IdealistVolunteers@nyceda.org and indicate in the subject line: Idealist Volunteers: Operation VEEBO. You will also receive announcements on upcoming group activities and instructions.

NYCEDA is a Limited Liability Company “LLC”. Donations are not tax deductible at this time. NYCEDA is seeking fiscal sponsorship from a 501c3 entity for donations towards VEEBO. Currently, gift giving and gift certificates for Veterans and students are available through the NYCEDA Store and can be found at: www.nyceda.org/store/

For further information about volunteering, please contact, NYCEDA Director Patricia Enriquez, CRC at 212-802-1443 or email: penriquez@nyceda.org.

Visit our Idealist organization page at: http://www.idealist.org/view/org/33w3Bsk59dNcp/

2012 See us in action at Idealist NYC Headquarters: http://idealistnyc.org/three-great-meetings-this-week/



2013 Patricia Enriquez of NYCEDA.org is proud to announce she is a test member of the “Idealist Group Early Adapters” – posting – “Intentions” for the “Common Good”…a new social media venture by Idealist.org in its early stages of development.   Stay tuned for more updates.

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Content copyright 2013. NYC Expert Disability Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.